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Published Online 12 June 2015

A simple technique to achieve parallel transverse cuts in the scarf osteotomy

Publication: The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Volume 97, Number 3


The scarf osteotomy is a reliable operation to correct moderate to severe deformity in hallux valgus.1 The proximal and distal transverse osteotomies must be parallel to each other to allow lateral displacement of the distal plantar fragment while also maximising stability.2,3 Inserting the end of the metallic scarf ruler into the distal transverse osteotomy acts as a parallel guide to aid the surgeon in achieving a parallel proximal transverse cut.


After marking out the Z scarf osteotomy on the first metatarsal (Fig 1), complete the horizontal cut with the micro-oscillating saw. Make the distal transverse osteotomy (Fig 2) and insert the metallic scarf ruler (Fig 3) into the cut (Figs 4). The long medially protruding edge of the ruler will act as a guide to confirm that the proposed proximal transverse osteotomy is parallel to the completed distal osteotomy. Place the micro-oscillating saw against the medial metatarsal cortex and orientate the blade so that it is parallel to that of the ruler edge (Fig 5). Perform the osteotomy, checking regularly that the blade is parallel to the ruler edge (Fig 6). Once complete, remove the ruler and displace the distal plantar fragment laterally as required for optimal correction. Stabilise with two K-wires. Complete the rest of the procedure as routine.
Figure 1 Z scarf osteotomy marked out on the first metatarsal
Figure 2 Distal transverse osteotomy marked out dorsally
Figure 3 Metallic scarf gauge
Figure 4 Ruler inserted across the distal transverse osteotomy as a parallel guide viewed medially (above) and dorsally (below)
Figure 5 Medially protruding straight edge of the ruler in the distal transverse osteotomy acting as a guide to orientate the saw before commencing the proximal osteotomy
Figure 6 Saw completing the proximal transverse osteotomy in a parallel fashion


The scarf osteotomy is a technically demanding procedure with a steep learning curve.4 This technique will increase the surgeon’s confidence and reliability of making parallel transverse cuts, particularly when at the bottom of the learning curve.


1.Barouk LS. Osteotomie Scarf du premier metatarsien. Med Chir Pied 1990; 10: 111–120.
2.Barouk LS. Scarf osteotomy of the first metatarsal in the treatment of hallux valgus. Foot Dis 1995; 2: 35–48.
3.Kristen KH, Berger C, Stelzig S, et al. The SCARF osteotomy for the correction of hallux valgus deformities. Foot Ankle Int 2002; 23: 221–229.
4.Weil LS. Scarf osteotomy for correction of hallux valgus. Historical perspective, surgical technique, and results. Foot Ankle Clin 2000; 5: 559–580.

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Published In

cover image The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Volume 97Number 3April 2015
Pages: 238 - 239
PubMed: 26263812


Published in print: April 2015
Published online: 12 June 2015


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SD Brookes-Fazakerley [email protected]
Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK
SR Platt
Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK
GE Jackson
Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK


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